Thursday, November 17, 2016

Girls' Football Sciath na Scol Final!

Well done to the Girls' Football Sciath na Scol team who fought well against Eglantine Girls' School in the final on Wednesday 9th November but who unfortunately lost.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sciath na Scol Final!

Wednesday 9th November- Girls Football Sciath na Scol Final!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Football in Scoil Nioclais

  • Well done to our Scoil Niocláis Girls Football team who won two Sciath na Scol matches this week against Scoil Oilibhéir and St. Mary's, Cobh.
  • Well done to the Boys Football Team who beat Clonakilty and Beaumont Boys.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sciath na Scol

Well done to our Scoil Niocláis Girls Football Team who won their first Sciath na Scol match against Carrigaline on Thursday 15th September. Well done to the Boys Football Team who fought hard but unfortunately didn't play to their full potential and lost to Douglas.